AED 101 (Automated External Defibrillator)

AED 101 (Automated External Defibrillator)

By: Dr. Eugene Macalinga & Atty. Rania Joya

Coronary Heart Deaths (Heart Attacks) are the leading cause of death in the Philippines. According to the latest published data of the World Health Organization, there were over 120,800 deaths amounting to almost 20% of total deaths in the country for the year 2018. Moreover, scientific data is showing a correlation between increased risk of heart inflammation and heart attacks in COVID-19 patients. With this in mind, life saving devices such as Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) have become a mandatory tool for saving someone in life or death situations.

AEDs should be readily available to the public and to those who are at the work. Employees must have access to AEDs in their workplace. The international guidelines recommend that AEDs should be placed within 1-2 min away or within 100-250 meters. It should also be within reach of wheelchair-bound individuals. Placement of the AED box should be in an unobstructed area and in a relatively reachable location and placed no more than 3 feet high.

(Smart AED installation in LUDHMC)

Places that carry higher risk such as hospitals, clinics, busy malls, integrated transport hubs, physical fitness facilities, should have at least one functional and accessible AED. Areas frequented by individuals and families should have AEDs.These are condominium swimming pools, common exercise areas and gyms.

AEDs are a good investment for your community, company, and even in your own home.

For further enquiries, get in touch with OMTS Inc.

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